#1 Short Course
#2 Short Course
#3 Short Course

Will be held on September 8, 2024, from 08:30 am to 05:00 pm approximately.

Venue: Sapienza Engineering Faculty, via Eudossiana 18

Early Late
€ 90,00 € 110,00

If you are already registered, you will need to re-enter your registration form and select it or if you would like to change your preference, please contact our organization secretariat at:

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1# Short Course: Physical Modeling in Coastal Engineering

Part of the course will take place in the Sapienza Maritime Hydraulics laboratory where some experimental tests will be
carried out in a wave flume.

  • Theory of Hydraulic Models
  • Wavemaker theory
  • Planning an experimental activity
  • Examples of physical models to support the design of maritime works

Paolo De Girolamo – Full Professor – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Marcello Di Risio – Full Professor – L’Aquila University, Italy

Luca Cappietti – Associate Professor – Florence University, Italy

John Alderson – Maritime engineer – HR Wallingford

Myrta Castellino – Assistant Professor – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Daniele Celli – Researcher – L’Aquila University, Italy

Sandro Longo – Full Professor – University of Parma, Italy

Luca Martinelli – Associate Professor – University of Padua, Italy

  • 9:00 – 9:15

Course Presentation (Prof. Paolo De Girolamo – Sapienza University of Rome – Italy)

  • 9:15 – 10:00

Free Surface Hydraulic Model Theory (Prof. Sandro Longo – University of Parma – Italy)

  • 10:00 – 10:45

Wave Generation in Physical Models (Dott. John Anderson – HR-Wallingford-UK)

  • 10:45 – 11:30

Coffe break

  • 11:30 – 12:15

The Use of Physical Models for the Design of Maritime Structures. (Prof. Paolo De Girolamo – Sapienza University of Rome – Italy)

  • 12:15 – 13:00

Main Experimental Measurements (Prof. Luca Martinelli – University of Padua – Italy)

  • 13:00 – 14:00


  • 14:00 – 14:45

Design of a Physical Model (Prof. Marcello Di Risio – University of L’Aquila-Italy);

  • 14:45 – 15:30

Examples of Physical Models (Prof. Luca Cappietti – University of Florence-Italy)

  • 15:30 – 16:00

Coffe break

  • 16:00 – 17:15

Laboratory Visit (Dott. Myrta Castellino – Sapienza University of Rome, Dott. Daniele Celli – University of L’Aquila)

(Note: Each speaker will leave at least 5 minutes for questions.)

2# Short Course: Numerical Modeling in Coastal Engineering – IHFOAM

08:45 – 09:00 | Welcome – Registration

09:00 – 10:00 | IHFOAM general framework

10:00 – 10:30 | Coffee break

10:30 – 11:30 | Regular waves in an empty wave flume.

11:30 – 12:30 | Regular waves interaction with a rubble mound breakwater

12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch

13:30 – 14:30 | Regular waves interaction with a floating structure

14:30 – 15:00 | IHFOAM applications and capabilities in Coastal and Offshore Engineering

15:00 – 15:30 | Coffee break

15:30 – 16:00 | IHFOAM applications and capabilities for NBS design

16:00 – 16:30 | IHFOAM applications and capabilities in tsunami generated by landslides

16:30 – 17:00 | Discussion, remarks

Javier L. Lara – Full Professor – IHCantabria

Gabriel Barajas – CFD Engineer – IHCantabria

Maria Maza – Associate Professor – IHCantabria

Alessandro Romano – Associate Professor – Università Roma Tre – IHCantabria

3# Short Course: Fast Coastal Compound Flood Modelling with SFINCS

  • Compound flooding
  • Fast numerical modelling
  • Tropical cyclones
  • Waves
  • Early warning systems
  • Large-scale flood risk

Tim Leijnse – Deltares & Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Roel de Goede – Deltares

Maarten van Ormondt – Deltares USA

Ap van Dongeren – Deltares & IHE Delft

  • Description SFINCS

Compound flooding during extreme events can result in tremendous amounts of property damage and loss of life. Early warning systems and multi-hazard risk analysis can reduce these impacts. However, traditional approaches either do not involve relevant physics or are too computationally expensive to do so for large stretches of coastline. SFINCS (Super-Fast INundation of CoastS) is a new reduced-complexity engine recently developed by Deltares Netherlands that is capable of simulating compound flooding, including a high computational efficiency balanced with good accuracy. The model is shared open-source and the executable is open access available for anyone interested in quickly modelling coastal compound flooding.

  • Description course

In this course, attendees will be able to retrieve theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the SFINCS model. Attendees will get an overview of applications where the high computational speed is essential and understand the background of the formulations needed to simulate compound flooding. Moreover, attendees will know what the input and output look like, how this can be used to answer practical questions in research/consultancy, and how to create a model from scratch to simulate compound flooding.

  • Who should participate

This course is aimed at project engineers, researchers, PhD students with a basic background in programming (e.g. Matlab / Python / Fortran) and modelling.

  • More information about SFINCS

For more information see our website (, the online manual ( or journal publication (

  • 09.00 Walk-in and introduction round
  • 09.15 Presentation – what is SFINCS and why
  • 09.45 Hands-on exercise: running SFINCS
  • 10.30 Coffee break
  • 10.45 Presentation – SFINCS input files
  • 11.15 Hands-on exercise: analysing the output & SFINCS input file
  • 12.00 Presentation – building a SFINCS model using HydroMT
  • 12.30 Photo moment + lunch
  • 13.30 Start Hands-on exercise: building your own model
  • 14.30 Presentation – subgrid method in SFINCS
  • 15.00 Continue Hands-on exercise: Add subgrid tables
  • 16.00 Continue Hands-on exercise: Add river inflow
  • 16.30 Presentation – FAQ, what to do with your output, what’s next?
  • 17.00 End of course