Prof. Leopoldo FRANCO
Roma Tre University

Full professor of Coastal and Port Engineering at the University of Roma Tre since 2004, formerly at Polytechnic of Milan since 1987. Coordinator of PhD courses in Civil Engineering at the University of Roma Tre 2002-13. Member of PIANC. Member of the editorial board of the international journal Coastal Engineering (Elsevier). Participated to various EU-funded research projects since 1990 (MAST, LIP, MCS, PROVERBS, DELOS, CLASH). Author-coauthor of over 230 papers, mostly addressed to wave recording and analysis, breakwater design and overtopping, beach modelling, history of coastal engineering. Attended all ICCE conferences since 1988 and all Coastal Structures conferences. Co-secretary of LOC for the Coastal Structures 2007 conference in Venice.
Prof. Giorgio BELLOTTI
Roma Tre University

Full professor of “Design of harbours and maritime structures” and “Numerical methods for Civil Engineering” at the Roma Tre University since 2020. PhD in Hydraulic Engineering in 2002. Director of Civil Engineering courses. Has participated several international research project: “Forces on (flood)walls and buildings by wave overtopping-Hydralab IV” (scientific coordinator), “Mermaid” (coordinator of one research unit), “Sim.Coast” FP7-PEOPLE, “CLASH” FP5, “DELOS” FP5.
Visiting researcher at the University of Delaware, USA (2000) and at the University of Nottingham, UK (2011). Author of more than 100 scientific papers, 55 on refereed international journals. He served in the scientific board of the conferences ICCE 2020, CoastAl Structures 2019, COASTLAB 2018, SCACR 2017, SCACR 2015, CCWI 2013, COASTLAB 2012.