Instructions for Authors

Oral presentations

Oral presentations guidelines

Oral presentations with slides will last 12 minutes+ 3 min for Q/A
How to create your presentation:
  • This template is not mandatory, but we suggest using it
  • Your presentation needs to be created in .PDF or in .PPTX
  • Please use the slide set-up for the on-screen show – 16:9 aspect
  • Use standard Windows fonts only, avoid use of non-standard Windows fonts or language-specific fonts.
  • Images: Do not copy and paste the images from another application, please use the “insert image from a file” functionality from PowerPoint (format JPG or PNG).
  • Video: MP4 or AVI are the only acceptable video formats. To avoid any issues with movies and loops with PowerPoint, presentations should be saved as .pptx files and submitted directly at the venue.
  • Presentations will be displayed from a PC with Windows 10/11 and PowerPoint
  • Apple: Please give your filename an extension “pptx” or “pdf”
  • Check your presentation on a Windows-operated computer before you upload
  • All presentations must be delivered to the onsite Slide Center.

Poster guidelines

Posters will be presented first in oral sessions with 5-minute slides, without Q/A, and then at the daily poster session.
Instructions to prepare your Poster Flash presentation:
  • This template is not mandatory, but we suggest using it
  • Your presentation needs to be created in .PDF or in .PPTX
  • Please use the slide set-up for the on-screen show – 16:9 aspect
  • Use standard Windows fonts only, avoid use of non-standard Windows fonts or language-specific fonts.
  • Images: Do not copy and paste the images from another application, please use the “insert image from a file” functionality from PowerPoint (format JPG or PNG).
  • Presentations will be displayed from a PC with Windows 10/11 and PowerPoint
  • Apple: Please give your filename an extension “pptx” or “pdf”
  • Check your presentation on a Windows-operated computer before you upload
  • All presentations must be delivered to the onsite Slide Center.

Instructions to prepare your Poster:

  • Poster dimensions: A0 format: 118.9 x 84.1 cm (height x width), portrait format
  • Poster template (not mandatory)
  • Poster dimensions should not exceed 120 × 90 cm (height x width)
  • State the title, the authors name and insititution(s) at the top of your poster in easily readable letters
  • The conference logo should be included
  • Indicate the presenting author if different from the first author
  • The text and the illustrations should be readable from a distance of 2 meters (the font size should be at least 18 point)
  • The poster must NOT be a commercial/product sales poster. Any poster that is deemed to be a commercial advertisement will be removed from the conference as unacceptable.

Tips for Poster preparation:

  • Avoid long sentences, but try to use bullets
  • Use charts and graphs to illustrate data (avoid large tables of raw data).
  • Use high resolution photographs
  • Keep consistent margins.
  • Keep line spacing consistent.
  • Keep the color, style, and thickness of borders the same.

Generally, posters are prepared as one, large sheet and usually brought to the conference rolled up in a tube. (Yet posters may be prepared as a group of smaller sheets, which may be easier to prepare and transport).

Push pins will be supplied for you to secure your poster to the partition.